Along with the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (it is actually jade) and the many other structures in the Grand Palace grounds is the Borom Phiman, a guest house for visiting dignitaries. Engraved in frescoes on the inside of the quadrangular grand dome are the Ten Kingly Virtues to be observed by a monarch. Although they may have their roots in the Vedic gods of India- they seem like pretty solid wisdom for any leader, anywhere and anytime. Of course, with guys like the one below around- it would be easier to remember the virtues- whether you are King, EVP or department manager
8. guiding the subjects onto the right path in life;
9. feeding the poor, so as to keep them from a life of crime; 10. keeping close to the learned, scholars and monks, to learn of the facts of life;
11. keeping clear of improper places;
12. subduing desires for illegitimate claims.