He said that this report is not the version that was approved by the contributing scientists at least 15 key section sciences of science chapter had been deleted these included statements like none of the studies cited shown clear evidence that we can attribute climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.no study to date has positively attributed all or part observe climate changes to man-made causes of professor sites concluded of I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report. In this reply the IPCC did not deny making these deletions but it said there has been no dishonesty or bias in the report. and that’s uncertainties about the cause of global warming had been included. The changes had been made it said in response to comments from governments individual scientists and non-governmental organizations. when I resigned from the IPCC. I thought that was the end of it but when I saw the final draft my name was still there so I asked for it to be removed well they told me that I had contributed so would remain there so I said no I haven’t contributed because I am listen to anything I said so in the end it was quite a battle but finally I threatened legal action against them and the remove my name and I think this happens a great deal those people who are specialists but don’t agree with the polemic and resigned there have been a number that I know of that they are simply put on the of the list and become part of this /2500 the world’s top scientists
research relating to man-made global warming is now one of the best funded areas of science the us government alone spends more than 4 billion dollar a year according to nasa climatologists why spencer scientists who speak out against man made global warming have a lot to lose it’s generally harder to get are research proposals funded because in the stands that we’ve taken publicly and you’ll find very few of us that are willing to take public stand because it does cut into their research funding.