Zi Ling was the eldest daughter of the Zi Wei Mountain Village Clan. Zi Yi had been adopted and raised by Zi Ling’s father. Therefore, in the Zi Wei Mountain Village, Zi Ling had more authority than Zi Yi which is why even though Zi Yi wanted to make Lin Feng leave the carriage, if Zi Ling didn’t accept, Zi Yi had no choice but to accept it.
The Zi Wei Mountain Village was extremely vast. The place where Zi Ling lived was picturesque, clear water and green gardens. It was surrounded by a huge garden and emerald bamboo trees. It looked particularly peaceful.
At this moment, Lin Feng was holding a broom and was sweeping the courtyard of the garden. However, he wasn’t paying attention to the ground at all, he was lost in his own thoughts.
He was able to sense the pure Qi of heaven and earth, his perception was even clearer and more distinct than before but he was still unable to absorb it and make it penetrate his body. That strange condition was troubling him so much that his heart started to race as he thought about it.
A single leaf was floating on the wind. Lin Feng looked at that leaf and could distinctly perceive where it was going and where it would land on the ground.
Lin Feng grabbed the broom with his left hand and raised his right hand, like a sword, he moved it towards the leaf in an attempt to cut it. Even though there was no pure Qi and no sword energy, his hand still moved like a sword with incredible strength.
However, when Lin Feng’s hand got close to the leaf, it just moved away and continued floating through the air. He couldn’t touch it and couldn’t catch it. It would move away from him every time. Lin Feng could only slice through the air, but not cut the leaf.
“I cannot cut it!” Lin Feng was a bit surprised. The leaf fell onto the ground. A tree leaf was simple but Lin Feng couldn’t touch it. Even though the position of the leaf was perfectly clear in his mind, he was unable to predict its next movements. If he tried to touch the leaf, its trajectory would change.
If Lin Feng could control pure Qi, it would have been very easy for him to cut a leaf but at that moment, even though his hand was still like a sword, he was unable to cut the leaf.
“Even though I am fused with my sword, it seems that it’s not enough as if something is missing.” whispered Lin Feng. Even though he was, indeed, stronger than before, Lin Feng had the impression he was in front of a locked door and was only single step away from unlocking it.
He was in a complex situation and if he didn’t take the next step, he wouldn’t be able to absorb pure Qi.
“I remember on the day when I became stronger, my bones had been broken, my internal organs were severely wounded, my determination had allowed me to make battle energy, sword energy, and ice energy fuse altogether. Like that, I had transformed into a sharp sword, what I was thinking about at that moment was my sword more than the energy attack, I had managed to carry out sword fusion. My determination is what played the decisive role in me becoming stronger.” whispered Lin Feng trying to recall the moment when he gained his strength.
“I managed to carry out my sword fusion by relying on my spirit, on the first layer of my celestial spirit. It helped become physically stronger and become more aware of the world surrounding me. My spirit enabled me to understand my sword in a much greater detail and allowed me to fuse with my sword. It seems like amongst all the things I understood, there is something that I am missing, as if I do not yet have the requirements to use my current strength.” thought Lin Feng while his heart was pounding as if he had just received a glimpse of enlightenment. His spirit was extremely strong and had enabled him to become stronger and reach this unique situation. However, it seemed like that without using the power of his spirit, he wasn’t strong enough to use the power. Therefore, because of his special condition, he was unable to absorb pure Qi.