The 3Rs initiative is well known in all developed countries and as a matter of fact the degree that the 3Rs initiative is implemented in a country is measured and included in the quality of life index in that country. The 3Rs initiative transforms into activities the actions resulting from the 3 words: Reduce Reuse Recycle.
Reduce: with this action we are called to reduce overconsumption and thus reduce the amount of waste we throw way in one or the other form. The waste burdens our environment.
Reuse: means that we are called to reuse, unwanted by others, materials, tool or anything else a consumer would throw away and transform it to something useful.
Recycle: we all understand what we mean by recycle and recycling. Instead of throwing to the landfills certain types of material like, glass, paper and tin cans, we recycle them so that they would be transformed into something useful and reusable.
There are numerous schemes, initiatives and companies in all the developed countries which capitalize on the 3Rs initiative or just one of the 3Rs. The example below is an example of how the Reuse initiative is promoted.