1. Commitment and Tools for Stable Employment -- Stable employment is the foundation of Toyota's commitment that team members are its most important resource and investing in team member development is a top priority.
It is well understood throughout Toyota that, short of an economic catastrophe for the entire company, like that of the late 1940s, employees will not be laid off. This provides a safety net that allows team members to safely participate in continuous improvement, even when the project is focused on eliminating positions to improve productivity.
The HR department at Toyota is the company's key aid in providing this job security due to its prowess in stable employment management. It has developed sophisticated methods to predict labor needs and uses temporary work forces (not guaranteed employment security) as a flexible shock absorber against natural economic cycles.
2. Fair and Consistent HR Policies and Practices -- Obviously HR strives to infuse fairness into all of its policies and actions, but this common company mission statement takes on a different meaning at Toyota. If you were to follow HR representatives at Toyota around and watch what they actually do, you immediately would discern the Toyota difference.
While employees stationed within most companies' HR departments might spend the majority of their time in front of a computer screen or answering the phone, at Toyota, HR representatives roam throughout its many departments to keep abreast of the latest company happenings. This is referred to as genchi genbutsu within Toyota, which means going to the actual place where the work is done to see and understand company situations firsthand.
Disciplinary issues, employee dissatisfaction, kaizen promotion and employee career progression are just a few of HR's responsibilities. HR representatives must always be visible to team members and aware of what is really going on in the workplace.
To ensure fair and consistent HR practices, Toyota employees cannot be promoted or given pay raises without HR approval. If employee pay and promotion is left solely to the discretion of supervisors and managers, which in most companies is the case, then individual differences in understanding of company promotion policies will cause variation in their administration and consequently low employee morale and lack of trust.
3. Slow Promotion and Rewards for Teamwork -- Becoming a Toyota leader does not happen overnight. It is as much a maturation of the individual as it is a set of management tools and techniques. People mature in their self-confidence and interpersonal sensitivity at different rates but for all people it takes time -- years and even decades.
Since Toyota views the employer-employee bond as a long-term relationship, the company is willing to be patient and allow each person to mature and grow into the level of leadership that fits their capability. In turn they expect the individual to have patience and take any position as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Teamwork is more highly valued than seeking to stand out as an individual genius. The individual who needs to be fast tracked through the company and get lots of individual recognition will not be a good fit in the Toyota environment.
4. Hoshin-Kanri (Policy Deployment) -- Developing people so they learn how to solve problems and continually improve the work is a marvelous asset, but how does this energy and creativity get directed toward a common goal.
Much of Toyota's continuous improvement is driven by hoshin-kanri, also referred to as policy deployment, which is a system of setting objectives for improvement, starting at the very top of Toyota and coming to agreements at every level down to the team member.
Each employee has a hoshin, which is defined as specific measurable objectives that are reviewed throughout the year. When all team members feel like they are a valued long-term part of a team whose fate is tied to the fate of the company, hoshin-kanri is a powerful mechanism for converting their energy into exceptional levels of performance.