LICENSE: Licensor hereby grants you a non-exclusive License to use this Software, without right of sub-license, only in object or
executable code form, and only in or with Licensor’s products (“Products”). You may not rent, lease, or lend the Software. You may
permanently transfer rights under this Agreement only as part of a permanent sale or transfer of the Products, and only if the recipient
accepts this Agreement. If the Software is an upgrade, any transfer must also include all prior versions of the Software. You agree
that the Software and any Software-related materials provided under this Agreement are and shall at all times remain the sole and
exclusive property of Licensor and its Suppliers. Unauthorized copying of the Software is expressly forbidden. The Software may be
patent-pending and/or patented; please refer to documentation accompanying the product, including labels and user guides, for
specifics. You may be held legally responsible for any infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights caused by your
failure to abide by this Agreement.
If the Software is identified by Licensor as a demonstration version, Licensee may use the Software on multiple Products or platforms.
If the Software is provided by Licensor as other than a demonstration version, Licensee may use the Software only on or with a single
Product. User's guides and programming guides for the Software that are provided by Licensor in either hard or electronic copy may
be copied and distributed.
The rights granted by this Agreement do not give you rights to implement Licensor patents or other Licensor intellectual property