Check i) whether there have been any serious incidents within the past year, and ii) if they have been reported under the following procedures:
a) The supervisor must immediately call in the incident report to EESH department;
b) When a serious incident arises, the head of BU must, within one hour of the incident, report to the CEO (oral or written) and notify head of EESH department;
c) The Company President and head of BU must identify necessary matters required for incident investigations and organize the investigation team;
d) The investigation team must identify the fundamental and systematic cause of incident;
e) Upon completion of investigation, the head of BU shall draw up an incident report, to be reviewed by head of EESH department and then reported to Company President;
f) The head of EESH department may order reinvestigation if necessary; and
g) The head of BU and EESH department must establish preventive measures for such incidents and inform all members.