the Yb2+ contributions by the simulations for the atomic-
like models as seen in the analysis of many LD data in
XAS for Ce compounds [12–15], where the hybridization
effects are not explicitly taken into account. Such a successful analysis is owing to the highly localized nature
of the Yb3+ sites in the 3d core-level photoemission final states due to the core hole-4f Coulomb interactions
(∼10 eV) giving a sufficient energy splitting between the
Yb3+ and Yb2+ final states, and the configuration dependence of the hybridization strengths [34] leading to
the reduced hybridization in the final states. The analysis needs to be extended by using the Anderson impurity
model for strongly hybridized systems showing the core level spectral line shape highly deviated from the atomic-
like multplet-split structure, which is not the case for the
data displayed here