1. As people who already participated in tourneys here noticed that there are problems with Time zone. To be able to overcome this issue, the two members of each team must be living in relatively same Time zones. Also, 2-3 hours’ difference time zone is allowed. If some people even if they are in way different time zones and want to be together must contact me. They will have the responsibility to duel within the deadlines of each round and by any means slow down the process of the tourney if I accept their team’s creation.
2. You will have to register in challonge and create a team with your partner.
3. It is a Tag Match Mode each team must win up to 2 times to be declared the winner. Replays as always should be saved.
4. Do not send me the replays in Facebook, upload them in the Facebook group and I will upload them in the google site. Side decking is not available in this tourney. Each team must send me their decks. Each team has no right to change their archetypes or even 1 card on each deck. The admins will make sure that you will not have changed your decks through the replays that you MUST give.
5. Limited Cards are counted per team and not per Duelist. So, for any given Limited Card, each team could include 1 copy in either Duelist's Deck, making a total of 1 copy that team can use.
6. Semi-Limited Cards are counted per team and per Duelist. So for any given Semi-Limited Card, each team could include 2 copies in any combination between the team’s Decks (Example: Duelist A can run 2 copies of Necroface, but Duelist B cannot run any copies. If Duelist A runs 1 copy of Necroface, Duelist B can run a copy as well, for a team maximum of 2 copies).
7. Both Duelists on a team can have up to 3 copies of a card that is not on the Forbidden and Limited list. (Example: Both Duelists on a team may each run 3 copies of Mystic Tomato, for a total of 6 copies amongst the team). That means that if a team uses 6 copies of a card they can no longer use any other card that is the same within the team. This rule nullifies any thoughts of double decking.
8. If you have other business to attend to and cannot duel, please do not participate. This tourney should not be slowed down by anyone and run smoothly