Times Square was a madhouse. People were packed in like sardines, smashed up against the person they counted on kissing at midnight. Everyone, that was except Leo McCoy, who, truth be told had no idea why he thought coming to New York City on New Year’s Eve had been such a good idea in the first place. He should be home in Georgia getting ready to go back to Ole Miss to start his second semester of medical school.
Red, white and blue confetti filled the frigid air, as the crowd around him began to countdown, 10…9…8… Leo watched the giant flashing ball as it descended, his heart heavy. He said a final “fuck you” to 2253, hoping 2254 would be his year. 3…2…1 “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd around him shouted as one.
Leo looked at all the enthusiastic couples around him kiss in the New Year to the strains of Auld Lang Syne. He wished, not for the first time, he had someone to kiss when he was grabbed and roughly pulled against another man who brushed his lips against Leo’s. When the other man finally stopped kissing him, Leo found himself staring into the bluest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Jim Kirk.” The not-so-stranger said.
“McCoy, Leonard McCoy.” Leo replied as Jim’s lips collided with his own for the second and hopefully not last time.