Review question
In neonates born in low- and middle-income settings (P), what is the optimal number and
timing of postnatal contacts (I) to improve neonatal survival and health (O)?
Summary of evidence
A systematic search for studies comparing number and timing of postnatal contacts did
not yield any relevant studies. One systematic review evaluating the effect of home visits
for postnatal care demonstrated high quality evidence of effectiveness of home visits
in improving newborn survival (14). However, limited information was available on the
optimal number and timing of postnatal contacts from the studies included in this review.
Therefore, other avenues were explored to provide the GDG information on which it could
base its recommendations.
Since epidemiological considerations, such as distribution of neonatal mortality and
morbidities, could provide indirect information on the number and timing of postnatal
contacts, a systematic review was conducted to synthesize the evidence on the distribution
of overall and cause-specific neonatal deaths, onset and peak of key neonatal morbidities,
and timing of delivery of interventions that have been shown to be effective in reducing
neonatal mortality (such as promotion of EBF, keeping the newborn warm, etc.).