Body shape is most often described in terms of the athlete's somatotype (Sheldon, Dupertuis, & McDermott, 1954). Somatotyping is a system in which an athlete is scored on each of three independent body shape measures (see Figure 27.1). The first body shape component is called endomorphy and represents the degree of "bulk" of the athlete. Endomorphy scores were originally given a value between 1 (ow bulk) and 7 (very high bulk), although in recent years scores higher than 7 have been recorded. The second component is mesomorphy, or degree of musculature. A person with a high mesomorphy score has large well-developed musculature, while a low score represents weak or underdeveloped musculature. The final component is ectomorphy, a measure of "linearity." People with high ectomorphy scores are tall in comparison to their width. Individual athletes are given a three-number score such as 2-7-4, which