Fruits in Indonesia are potential commodity that have economical value and high demand in the market.
Since 2006, Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture through Horticultural Directorate have focus on 60 potential fruits,
include melon and papaya. Production of melon and papaya were increased gradually through increasing area to
support high demand from the consumer [1]. However, fruits as agricultural products have a special characteristic of
perishable and short shelf life. Furthermore, producer have to know several factors that influence quality,
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© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of Indonesian Food Technologist Community
314 Mohammad Affan Fajar Falah et al. / Procedia Food Science 3 ( 2015 ) 313 – 322
distribution and supply chain of these products.
On the other hand, growth of supermarket that sell fresh fruit give an opportunity and challenge to supply
high quality fruits in supermarket. Also, practical lifestyle of the consumer and their considering with healthy food
from the fresh fruits increasing fruit consumption . Consumption of fresh fruit can be supplied by minimally
processed food and this product was growth and more popular and increasing in demand. Fresh-cut fruit was one of
the popular product from minimally processed that applied through peeling, cutting and shredding where these
product was stored in controlled room temperature in the supermarket and no-controlled temperature in the street
fruit seller [2]. Fresh –cut products has several advantages, such as easy and ready to eat and their nutritional was
relatively not significantly different with fresh product.
Storage conditions in tropics for fresh-cut products are important and essential for quality and shelf-life of the
products. Main objectives for storage of fresh-cut products are to control transpiration rate and respiration rate,
protect from disease, loss of nutrition, minimize contact with pathogen and other unfavorable change in chemical
and microbiological aspects. These changes of the products relatively affected structure, composition, biochemical
and physiological of their products and good management in temperature during storage conditions will decrease
and minimize mechanical damage or physiological malfunctions to maintain optimal conditions of fresh-cut fruit
which choose by the consumer [3].
Objectives of the study were to determine physical and chemical change of fresh-cut melon and papaya
during storage under different temperature conditions in tropicsand also shelf-life of these products based their
changes on their data above and using visual evaluation.