International tourism in 2015 – Key trends and outlook
– The number of international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) in 2015 increased by
4.6% to reach a total of 1186 million worldwide, an increase of 52 million over the
previous year. It was the sixth consecutive year of above-average growth in international
tourism following the 2009 global economic crisis.
– Tourism flows were influenced by three major factors in 2015: the unusually strong
exchange rate fluctuations, the decline in the price of oil and other commodities, and
increased global concern about safety and security in some destinations.
– By UNWTO region, the Americas and Asia and the Pacific both recorded close to 6%
growth in international tourist arrivals, with Europe, the world’s most visited region,
recording 5%. Arrivals in the Middle East increased by 2%, while in Africa they declined
by 3%, mostly due to weak results in North Africa.
– International tourism receipts grew by 4.4% in real terms (taking into account exchange
rate fluctuations and inflation) with total earnings in the destinations estimated at US$
1260 billion worldwide in 2015 (euro 1136 billion).