Primer sequences employed in qPCR. F: forward primer, R: reverse primer.
Shoot and root dry weight (DW), leaf relative water content (LRWC) and leaf area of S. lycopersicon and S. pennellii plants exposed to 0 or 100 mM NaCl for 7 days. Values are
the means of 6 replicates
S.E. Different letters show significant differences between means in the same row at p
(Table 2). Solanum lycopersicon showed a reductionin shoot and root biomass (ca. 35% and 22%, respectively) undersalt treatment, while in S. pennellii, the shoot biomass showedless reduction (ca. 21%) and no significant change in root biomass(Table 2). A similar trend was observed for leaf area, where salttreatment reduced the leaf area of both species, with a morepronounced decrease (ca. 39%) in S. lycopersicon (Table 2). The phys-iological responses varied depending on the salt tolerance of thetwo species. In S. lycopersicon, relative water content showed adecrease of 25% after one week of salt stress, whereas the salt-stressed S. pennellii was able to maintain a leaf relative watercontent comparable to control plants