Fig. 2. PCR detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in Penaeus vannamei
hepatopancreas tissue, feces and tank water. M: 1 kb plus ladder molecular weight
marker. PCR assays for P. vannamei collected in Vietnam (VN) (lane 1, 2014 sample;
lane 2, 2015 sample) and from Thailand (TH) (lanes 3–5, hepatopancreas, feces and
tank water). PCR assays for P. monodon with cotton shrimp disease (lane 6), for P.
vannamei infected with an ameoba (lane 7), and for specific-pathogen free (SPF) P.
vannamei (lane 8). A PCR assay for an Artemia biomass sample collected in 2015
(lane 9). Lane 10: none-template control. HP: hepatopancreas.