Hey, i'm Lewis, i'm from Southampton, a port city in Southampton, well, technically i'm outside that in a rural area, but, hey, i'm not that big a fan of giving my location on the net.
If I check out your profile and don't message you, it's nothing against you, it's just, i'm awful at starting conversations, like seriously, I am the worst, I can keep a conversation going for months, but that start is always a pain, I don't want to intrude in their space, but I want to speak to them because they seem like amazing people, so, it's a constant struggle.
Travelling around Japan next July, aiming for around Hokkaido (Sapporo etc) Kyoto, and Tokyo, then either going to America purely on the sole purpose to see if I can find a job over there and to go sightseeing, and then I may go to either China or around Europe.
My Hobbies include running, cycling, and martial arts, I absolutely love martial arts, I have been practicing on and off for about 8 years, focusing on boxing more so than martial arts over the past couple years, I absolutely love keeping in shape and having great endurance.
Ideally, in the future, i'd like to go into Banking or accountancy, I am great at maths, and anything involving the financial sector, focusing primarily on both the property market, and investment in third world nations, and actually progress in that, if not, i'd love to become a manager of a company, or at least progress within a company to a high degree.
In my spare time, I am a huge History nerd, with a keen interest on celtic history and viking history, so, pretty much Europe from 500bc to 1000ad, as well as that, i'm always reading when i'm inside, purely because I love learning new things, and learning new tidbits of history and scientific advances in today's ages, as well as the improvement and financial and economical improvement of a plethora of countries.
Well, apart from that, I enjoy spending most of my time outside, I live in a rural area, so it's absolutely beautiful when it's sunny.
I love teaching, i'll happily teach you if you need help, whether it's from gambling (i'm actually trained to deal Blackjack and Roulette, I got bored and it was free for me) to sciences, and economics and accountancy and English, i'm just great like that.