Elevator operation function description and setting method
Standard function description
1 Fully Selective Control
When in automatic or attendant control, the elevator stops in response to the in-car registrations while automatically follows landing calls up and down, i.e., a passenger can register his or her call at any landing.
2 Inspection Travel
It is a function for field mechanics or engineers to carry out maintenance, inspection or testing tasks. When operational conditions are satisfied, an authorized person can inch the car by pressing and releasing the red button, he can move the car at inspection speed by continuously pushing down the button and stop it by releasing the button.
3 Self-rescue Travel
When the elevator stays out of the leveling zone (NOT in inspection state), it will automatically move to the leveling zone slowly to evacuate the passengers only if the safety requirements for the start are met.
4 Testing Travel
It is a function designed for measuring the performance of a new elevator. By setting a given parameter in testing travel on the Master Control board, a field engineer will put the elevator into automatic operation. Both the total number of trips and the interval time between trips of the testing travel can be determined by parameter setting.
5 Clock Control
With the built-in clock system by real time, the exact time at which a breakdown takes place can be recorded in the Error Log. Besides, some clock control- related functions all use the clock time as the standard one
6 Automatic Control for Door-opening Time
When the elevator travels in automatic state without attendant, the door closes automatically by a delay after the car arrives at a landing with the door open.
7 Open the Door from This Landing
When the call button of this landing is pressed down, the car door opens automatically. If someone keeps pushing on the button, the door remains open
8 Pre-close the Door by Door-closing Button
When the door is open in automatic state, the door can be closed immediately before the delay elapses by pushing on the door-closing button.
9 Open the door by Door-opening Button
When the car stays within the door zone, a passenger in the car can open a closed door or make a closing door reverse by pushing on the door-opening button.
10 Door Selection
You may set parameter to select different door machine, which includes such types as opening-torque hold, closing-torque hold and opening/closing-torque holding.
11 Leveling on Changing Destination landing
If the door has been opening longer than the setting time without activating the door open limit switch, the door will close and the elevator will travel to the next floor after the door is closed.
12 Cancel a Wrong Registration
If a passenger realizes that he or she has pushed down a wrong button in the car panel, he or she can cancel the wrong registration by pushing the same button twice incessantly. The registered signal will be canceled. This function can be activated by the parameter setting.
13 Clear Registrations at Changing Direction
When the elevator car arrives at the last landing and is about to reverse the direction, all the registrations behind its present travel will be cancelled at once.
14 Direct landing
The control system decelerates the elevator according to distance principle. No creeping when leveling.
15 Full load by pass
When a full-loaded elevator car travels in automatic mode without attendant, the elevator will NOT answer any calls from its passing landings, stopping at the landings by in-car registrations only.
16 Power-off for Car Lighting and Fan at Stand-by
If a elevator in automatic mode stands by out of service over 3 minutes (default value of 3 minutes subject to change by parameter), receiving neither in-car nor landing calls, the car lighting and fan will automatically stays off power until a call for the elevator to answer appears.
17 Auto Homing
When the elevator travels in automatic mode without attendant service while setting Auto Homing in effect, the elevators which receives neither in-car nor landing calls will automatically return to the main landing within a given period of time determined by parameter setting.
18 Re-close door
In order to prevent door-closing failure from the contingent failure of the door machine system and possible door block by something, this function is therefore provided to re-close the door.
19 Fault history Log
The Fault history Log keeps the latest 20 fault records concerning the occurrence time, floors and fault codes.
20 hoist way landing data self-study the hoist way self-study
System should be activated before the elevator goes into service. The system will study various kinds of data within the hoist way and save those running data permanently.
21 Service Landing arbitrarily Setting
Using the handheld operator to set at will which floors the elevator serves and which floors the elevator does NOT serve.