Chemicals and Organic Matter: Warm water temperatures
are commonly found inside water storage tanks. Warm water
favors corrosion (Fig. 3), scale formation, and the growth of
algae and other microorganisms. Over time, water storage
tanks can accumulate organic (carbon-based) and inorganic
residues and sediments, which can affect the taste, odor, and
potability of the stored water. Sediments that accumulate at
the bottom of well casings can be pumped to water storage
tanks. These sediments come from the aquifer and are usually
composed of fine sand, silt, and clay size particles. Although
harmless, these soil materials can carry chemical contaminants
and microorganisms (attached to them) into the storage
tanks. Over time, changes in water oxygen content, pH, and
temperature can produce new residues (from precipitation
and corrosion) forming scale that damages storage tank
components. These mineral crusts can trap or release
contaminants into the water, depending on many factors
such as water oxygen content, pH, and temperature changes.
Organic matter, found in the tissue of living and dead
organisms, can be introduced to water storage tanks several
Chemicals and Organic Matter: Warm water temperaturesare commonly found inside water storage tanks. Warm waterfavors corrosion (Fig. 3), scale formation, and the growth ofalgae and other microorganisms. Over time, water storagetanks can accumulate organic (carbon-based) and inorganicresidues and sediments, which can affect the taste, odor, andpotability of the stored water. Sediments that accumulate atthe bottom of well casings can be pumped to water storagetanks. These sediments come from the aquifer and are usuallycomposed of fine sand, silt, and clay size particles. Althoughharmless, these soil materials can carry chemical contaminantsand microorganisms (attached to them) into the storagetanks. Over time, changes in water oxygen content, pH, andtemperature can produce new residues (from precipitationand corrosion) forming scale that damages storage tankcomponents. These mineral crusts can trap or releasecontaminants into the water, depending on many factorssuch as water oxygen content, pH, and temperature changes.Organic matter, found in the tissue of living and deadorganisms, can be introduced to water storage tanks several
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