2.3. Statistical analysis
2.3.1. Comparison of video-based feeding duration and RFID
A general idea on the appropriateness of RFID technology to
measure pigs’ feeding patterns can be found by looking at the relationship
between how many times a pig is detected by the RFID
system during the observation time and how long it was observed
as actually feeding according to the video recordings. Of all the video
outcome variables, feeding duration is most likely to be correlated
with number of RFID registrations. The number of
registrations for each focal pig (sum of both ear tags) was regressed
onto the feeding duration for that pig as determined from the video
observations. The coefficient of determination R2 between both
was calculated to quantify the correlation between these indicators
for feeding patterns. Normality was checked with a Lilliefors test.
Statistical significance was checked with an F-test of the overall
fit. Statistical significance was considered at P < 0.05. This analysis