Human Dignity and International Human Rights Instruments
In the leading post-Second World War human rights instruments the idea of human dignity, as we have said, tends to take its place in the general normative context and background. Indeed, in the case of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), so muted is the role of human dignity that the drafters make no explicit reference to the idea, leaving it to others to tease out the principle of respect for human dignity as immanent in the Convention. In this respect, the Convention is not alone is not alone: for in the case of the US Bill of Rights, too, the founding fathers left it to later generations to find the deep principle of respect for human dignity implicit in the Constitution in the Constitution (see Meyer and Parent 1992).
Human Dignity and International Human Rights InstrumentsIn the leading post-Second World War human rights instruments the idea of human dignity, as we have said, tends to take its place in the general normative context and background. Indeed, in the case of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), so muted is the role of human dignity that the drafters make no explicit reference to the idea, leaving it to others to tease out the principle of respect for human dignity as immanent in the Convention. In this respect, the Convention is not alone is not alone: for in the case of the US Bill of Rights, too, the founding fathers left it to later generations to find the deep principle of respect for human dignity implicit in the Constitution in the Constitution (see Meyer and Parent 1992).
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