Eaton even reorganization the manner in which Chrysler designed cars based on a study, previously disregarded by lacocca, that indicated that Chrysler needed to be more flexible and its executives needed to be in constant communication with the product design team. One employee was quoted as saying. “Bob Eaton does not shoot the messenger when her hears something he doesn’t like or understand. He knows that not every idea is right. But Bob is off-the-wall himself… He’ll say something, and we’ll tell him that it’s a crazy idea… He may not change his mind in the end, but he’ll spend the time explaining to you what is behind his thought processes. Do you know what kind of confidence that inspires?” This type of open communication at the top proved extremely successful, as summed up to by one designer: “It’s a system that recognizes talent early and rewards it, and that creates a sense of enthusiasm for your work, and a sense of mission.”