Comprehension and transfer tests were administered to assess
learning outcomes. The comprehension test measured learners’
understanding of key concepts of the materials and was comprised
of 16 multiple-choice questions, for which participants received
one point for each correct answer (e.g., “Which cells are eating and
scavenging the virus?”), resulting in a range of 0e16 points. The
transfer test measured participants’ ability to apply the concepts
learned to solve problems and consisted of four questions (e.g.,
“Explain why a person who has already been infected with chicken
pox does not need a vaccine for future infection of chicken pox.”).
Participants received one point for each acceptable answer on each
of the four problem-solving transfer sheets and the total score on
each of the tests was obtained by adding points received for the
individual items on the test, resulting in a range from 0 to 19.