In most cases, the existence of gender stereotypes results in discrimination, mostly to the detriment of women, a fact that can be seen e.g. by the dividing professions into those typical of men and women-segregation, by different levels of remuneration for men and women, different levels of unemployment, as well as by viewing the two gender either in the private or employment areas differently. Discrimination is prohibited and regulated by law. In relation to gender, we speak of gender-based discrimination. According to the Law on discrimination, we distinguish direct discrimination – an act or negligence to a person less beneficial, or a way as it has been shown, or is being shown to other person in a similar situation. It includes discriminations based on maternity, gravidity, gender or sexual identification (Zákon NR SR č. 365/2004 Z. z.). In case of indirect discrimination, we are concerned with a way of dealing with or negligence, when on the basis of a seemingly neutral provision, criterion or customs. Persons belonging to one gender have been discriminated compared to those of the other gender with the exception if such provision, criterion or customs are objectively justified by a legitimate goal and the means to achieve it are proportionate and inevitable (Český statistický úřad). Another barrier met by women (also related to men, yet being more discriminatory towards women) is horizontal and vertical segregation of the labour market. It results from the fact that both men and women are selecting for a direction of study, which is expected of them by the stereotypes and also in the light of their unequal approaches to management functions. Women work mostly in branches with lower social status, with lower remuneration compared to those dominated by men, e.g. jobs in services, education, health etc. Vertical segregation is related to the possibility of vertical rise or promotion to a hierarchically higher position, which in practice is known for the majority dominance of men holding those positions. It is based particularly on the fact that men are more oriented on career development while the role of women consists in family care. Another important notion in this field is the one of old – boy’s network. It represents informal relations among men established at workplaces and out of it (sporting activities, company events). Such informal relations and overriding behaviour based on them is one of the causes of low level representation of women in management circles. Of no less importance is attributed to notion of sexual harassment symphonized by unworthy behaviour of a superior, offering, according to Dudová, Křižková, Fischlová (2006), chance for a rise only against providing certain reciprocal service In this regard, we cannot omit the notion of tokenism. In a situation when a man or woman is employed in the field dominated by the other gender. According Křižková (2006) such individuals – tokens – are turning into symbols attracting more attention than desired We could go on enumerating further barriers affecting careers of both genders.