Containment is used where there is no need to remove the waste
material and/or if the cost of removal is prohibitive. The main
purpose of containment is to prevent or control liquid or semiliquid
contaminated wastes from leaking or leaching into surrounding
noncontaminated areas. There are several basic techniques
for such purposes including pumping, capping, draining,
and the installation of slurry walls. The selection of various types
of containment systems is based on the type of waste materials,
and geohydrological conditions of the waste site. The role of site
characteristics such as those discussed by Wright et al. ~1993! and
Inyang ~1992! in containment system performance is underestimated.
Often, more than one containment method is used in a
given location. With time, the waste material may slowly biodegrade
or chemically change to nontoxic forms or new treatment
methods may become available for detoxifying the waste. In other
words, containment may be used to ‘‘buy time’’ under emergency
ContainmentContainment is used where there is no need to remove the wastematerial and/or if the cost of removal is prohibitive. The mainpurpose of containment is to prevent or control liquid or semiliquidcontaminated wastes from leaking or leaching into surroundingnoncontaminated areas. There are several basic techniquesfor such purposes including pumping, capping, draining,and the installation of slurry walls. The selection of various typesof containment systems is based on the type of waste materials,and geohydrological conditions of the waste site. The role of sitecharacteristics such as those discussed by Wright et al. ~1993! andInyang ~1992! in containment system performance is underestimated.Often, more than one containment method is used in agiven location. With time, the waste material may slowly biodegradeor chemically change to nontoxic forms or new treatmentmethods may become available for detoxifying the waste. In otherwords, containment may be used to ‘‘buy time’’ under emergencyconditions.
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