The plan is for me to come To England for 2 to 3 months, then Ian return with me, where he plan to have 1 weeks holiday in Krabi and then for Ian to visit my friends and family, Ian will stay in Thailand for approximately 3 weeks then return to the UK, I will stay in Thailand and resume working with my sister. Ian and I like each other very much but we believe we need to spend a little time together to learn more about one another, and learn each other’s languages better, and we believe this is the perfect way of doing this.
Let me Introduce myself, I am Ian Rawlings, I have resided UK since Birth and live at 19 Novers Park Road , Knowle, Bristol BS41RD. I currently work for UKSBS a public shared service provider of the Department of Business Innovation and Skills where I am SC cleared.
I will be sponsoring Jampee’s visit to the England for the duration of her stay. Jampee will be staying at my house rent free and I will be providing her with all the food she needs, if there is any need to buy warmer clothes due to the difference in the temperatures between Thailand and England, I will also be providing money for that.