Mouth cancer cancer is a type of head and neck cancer, and is often treated similarly to other head and neck cancers. Disease appearance of such as Patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue, usually red or red and white in color, a swelling in the mouth that persists for over three weeks, jaw pain jaw stiffness , sore throat , a sensation that something is stuck in your throat, painful tongue,a hoarse voice,pain in the neck that does not go away. If you have some of these symptoms you should see doctor to be diagnosis . A risk factor for oral cancer . Firstly, caused of smoking and dinking alcohol ,smoking up to a 40-per-day and dinking heavy and regular alcohol average of 30 pints of beer per week,however. People who drink and also smoke a lot have a significantly higher risk of developing oral cancer compared to others. Secondly, gastro-esophageal reflux disease because people with this digestive condition where acid from the stomach leaks back up through the gullet (esophagus) have a higher risk of oral cancer. Fianally , other factors such as Red meat, processed meat and fried foods infection, chewing betel nut and exposure to certain chemicals