Because populations with low SES are
at increased risk of nonadherence to diabetes
medications (24,27), we tested
the IMB model’s predictions in a diverse,
low SES sample from a Federally Qualified
Health Center (FQHC). Consistent
with the IMB model, we hypothesized
that adherence-related information and
motivation would determine adherencerelated
behavioral skills, which, in turn,
would determine adherence behavior,
and behavior would determine glycemic
control. We also tested whether
insulin status and/or regimen complexity Mayberry and Osborn 1247
explained any additional variance inmedication
adherence or moderated associations
between adherence-related
information, motivation, or behavioral
skills and adherence behavio
Because populations with low SES areat increased risk of nonadherence to diabetesmedications (24,27), we testedthe IMB model’s predictions in a diverse,low SES sample from a Federally QualifiedHealth Center (FQHC). Consistentwith the IMB model, we hypothesizedthat adherence-related information andmotivation would determine adherencerelatedbehavioral skills, which, in turn,would determine adherence behavior,and behavior would determine glycemiccontrol. We also tested whetherinsulin status and/or regimen Mayberry and Osborn 1247explained any additional variance inmedicationadherence or moderated associationsbetween adherence-relatedinformation, motivation, or behavioralskills and adherence behavio
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