However, theoccurrence of single-mycotoxin contamination seems to berare [4]. Generally, data on possible interactions betweenmycotoxins upon ingestion are poor and often outdated.The effects on some intestinal parameters, including mor-phology, histology, expression of cytokines and junctionproteins, induced by a combined exposure to DON andFBs, were investigated in piglets [4]. In the gastrointestinaltract of piglets for example, four different interactions atdifferent levels of the intestine were reported for the com-bined effects of DON and FB1: synergistic (number of gobletcells and eosinophils in the ileum), additive (expressionof IL-10, TNF- and adherent proteins), less-than-additive(histological lesions and expression of IFN-) and antag-onistic effects (some cell populations such as goblet cells,plasma cells, eosinophils and lymphocytes in the jejunumand some cytokine expression such as IL-1 and IL-6) [4].Synergistic and additive effects are potentially mediatedby both DON and FBs [4] through the activation of MAPKsthat are known to be involved in several physiological pro-cesses such as cell growth, apoptosis and immune response[13]. No explanations were found for the antagonisticeffects [4].