My Love
I ask God for a special touch of inspiration to be able to tell you what you need to hear from me. I can feel in my heart when you say I love you, I miss you. Here I am to make you laugh once again trust me, leave yours fears behind and you'll see here I am with a kiss burning on my lips it's for you, it may change your life, let me get in... Here I am opening my heart to you filling your lack of love blocking the pain, don't be afraid, I'll look after you, you just have to accept me. Here I am to bring you the strength and my breath and to help you draw butterflies in darkness. I want to be the one who awakes in you a new feeling and the one to teach you, to give yourself once again without reserves. Give me your wings, I'm going to heal them... Come and fly with me And just like that you started waking me up from every dream you were in. And no one looked for it, and no one planned it this way, but our destiny was written by God. Like a sweet voice in the silence, that's how love got a hold in us, true love never be late. I hope things are doing fine with you, I have learnt that life may not always be easy, but it is always worth living, i am not physically with you but i have you in my thoughts and memories i have together keep you in mind and heart, nobody could take them out.
I love you so much, be careful, take care