1 I tend to collect commercial information on clients from one principle client
contact rather than multiple contact points.
2 Targets and goals are important in gauging performance; I am governed by
short-term financial goals rather than long-term financial goals.
3 I make assessments of my customers’ organizational culture on intuition and
gauge by my principle contact rather than on high levels of structured
4 I work in a flexible rather than highly organized manner.
5 My proposals for my key accounts are normally based on a business case
rather than an attempt to create strategic alignment.
6 I make decisions based more on intuition as opposed to detailed research
into the key account.
7 I respond to current customer behaviour rather than an in-depth analysis
of the long-term goals of the company.
8 I am a risk taker.
9 Meeting objectives and taking action are more important than detailed
research and understanding.
10 I don’t follow strict implementation plans, but change them to meet new
11 I am sometimes relatively disorganized in my work patterns.
12 I prefer to win new business as opposed to seeing through existing
13 I don’t really use a defined process to identify key customers.
14 I bid for all profitable business within designated customers, as opposed to
only strategically aligned business.
15 I don’t work closely with operations.
16 I build and utilize a trusted small group of personal relationships (as
opposed to an extensive group) when formulating ideas, research,
and decisions.
17 I am not comfortable with other colleagues dealing directly with
my client.
18 I am flexible in my methods of communication, using whichever is best
suited for that moment in time.
19 I have a “culture blind” approach to management and treat people from
different cultures just as I would people from home.
20 I am more comfortable managing customers who are mainly interested
in price than in a long-term relationship.