So far, studies based on the microbial aspect have been only performed with yeasts and
molds. Spoilage microorganisms on osmotically treated kiwifruit were studied. Kiwifruit slices
were immersed for three hours at different concentrations of sucrose solutions (45° to 60°Brix)
that was inoculated with Metschinokowia pulcherima. It is a yeast that us easily distinguished by
other microorganisms for its specific capability to become pink in Sabouraud agar medium
plates. Results of this investigation show that microbial load was lower when higher solute
concentration was used during OD. High sucrose concentrations caused a hindrance of cell
adhesion to fruit surface to form biofilms probably mainly due to a reduction of the mobility by
the increase in solution viscosity. Also the combination of stress factors, such as starved cells,
strongly affect the ability to adhere to the surface of fruits (29)