12 Applications of Programmed Learning Geoffrey Leytham he principles of programmed learning, enumerated is to the last chapter, can serve many purposes:
the aim of this chapter indicate some of these. e list of principles provides a framework for the evaluation of teaching methods. The extent to which any particular method satisfies principles may be taken as some measure of its efficiency as an aid to Few methods currently in use satisfy a requirements and some, like the lecture, hardly seem to meet any of them. There is no reason, of course, why traditional method s as the lecture should not be improved in light possible, for stance, to involve the student more actively by asking questions during the lecture and by making sure that each point has been understood before progressing to the next. Research is currently being conducted into what is called the feedback where a question is asked and a number of possible answers are provided as in branching programmes. Each student selects the answer which and indicates his choice to the teacher. This can be done by mechanical means or in any other way that assures anonymity. Provided with feedback, the teacher is able to correct any misapp before There are, o course, other, more indirect methods of ascer- taining the extent to which the group is following a talk or lecture. A sensitive teacher soon becomes aware of blank expressions, sign of rest etc.