Multiple areas may have similar Department/Service Plans and
are encouraged to share details and progress informally as well as
formally during committee meetings, recurring reporting venues,
and improvement fairs. Strategic Action Plans are those that
involve multiple areas within C4
V, where resource allocation is
crucial. For these plans, an SLT member is assigned responsibility
as the “champion” to ensure adequate resourcing and compliance
with time schedules and performance. For example, many
strategic action plans commonly involve the Public Affairs Office
(PAO), volunteers, VA-OIT, or DataFACTS. Champion oversight
to coordination at the Strategic Action Plan level enables these
areas to better plan and allocate their time.
Multiple areas may have similar Department/Service Plans andare encouraged to share details and progress informally as well asformally during committee meetings, recurring reporting venues,and improvement fairs. Strategic Action Plans are those thatinvolve multiple areas within C4V, where resource allocation iscrucial. For these plans, an SLT member is assigned responsibilityas the “champion” to ensure adequate resourcing and compliancewith time schedules and performance. For example, manystrategic action plans commonly involve the Public Affairs Office(PAO), volunteers, VA-OIT, or DataFACTS. Champion oversightto coordination at the Strategic Action Plan level enables theseareas to better plan and allocate their time.
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