Table (5) showed increasing values in fruit number in the cross Super Stain B X NCEBR-6 was (57) per/plant it was higher than parent. No Significant differences were observed in tomato genotypes in fruit set %, while high value was recorded in NCEBR-6 (100%) and then came its hybrid Super Stain B X NCEBR-6 (89.75%). Data in Table 5 indicated significant differences in fruit diameter among different tomato genotypes with the highest value was in Edkawi (8.23 mm) under greenhouse. This was followed by its cross Edkawi × NCEBR-6, while the hybrid Peto82 × NCEBR-6 was the smallest value in fruit diameter (3.35mm) and (3.47mm) for cv. Peto82 Gardener and Panthee (2010) reported that NC1CEBR and NC2CEBR, both lines were late in maturity and showed much lower yield of fruit than the hybrid cultivar.