The logistics development in improving and increasing the efficiency of transport.
Researchers: 1. wrong way four degree rank rank na.
2. Ms. Patmuanron mice cream
3. Ms. GAL lookin for maintenance art lift
4. Mrs. Saosuphaodi young sang
5. Mr. Siothep brave heart.
6. Mr. Sarasetkan Kittikwinthip
7. the Hiran guard, nayonut
8. Ms. Thanita shadow projection
9. Ms. Yathida Siriwangchai
Branch/faculty/University logistics management
Business Administration
Bangkok University
Professor Chang nonrat Advisor Win permission.
Thailand country into an era of ASEAN Economic Community More transport role Thailand economy, so we think the research subject. Study on the logistics development in improving and increasing the efficiency of transport can be implemented or applied to performance. A good transport system is a key factor that can elevate the country's trade competitiveness because of the logistics, the cost is regarded as a significant employer. If the transport system will be good for the country's economic development. Producers have chosen research in this topic because it is interesting and important of the logistics in everyday life. A good transport system is a key factor that can elevate the country's trade competitiveness because of the logistics, the cost is regarded as a significant employer. If the transport system will be good for the country's economic development. Producers have chosen research in this topic because it is interesting and important of the logistics in everyday life. We hope that this research group will be useful to all.