In India, I was visiting Travis's team at a specifically difficult contact. I am really proud if the team, because it was clear that they really developed a heart for the contact, but ministry was difficult for me. The contact did street evangelism with a little sound system, a lot of yelling, and a really violent, arguably abusive style of praying demons out of people. He said it was effective, but I'm not as convinced (not about the need for deliverance, but about the unloving methodology). Once, when I was praying for a man, the pastor came over and interrupted my prayer by grabbing the man by his hair and shaking him, while screaming at him. I was so angry; I had to step away and ask God for His peace. I knew that a revolt wasn't gonna be God's way of redeeming the situation, but I also knew that He wouldn't let things stay the same. I asked Him what to do, and He spoke to me. He reminded me that my job is to preach the Kingdom, to heal the sick, to set the captives free. So, when I was asked to preach a few blocks away, I smiled, knowing that God's goodness was about to transform the situation.