Xylan is an integral part of lignocellulosic structure, which is the most abundant and renewable biomass available on earth [1]. It is an heterogeneous polysaccharide consisting of β-1,4-linked d-xylosyl residues along with a small fraction of arabinose, glucuronic and arabinoglucuronic acids linked to the d-xylose back bone [2]. Several industrial processes have been developed that utilize agro-industrial biomass residues as raw materials for the production of bulk chemicals such as ethanol and single-cell protein and enzymes. In fact, use of agro-industrial residues in bioprocesses is effective as alternative bio-substrates, and may reduce pollution problems caused by their disposal [3]. Xylanases [EC.] are responsible for hydrolysis of xylan; they first attack the internal main-chain linkages and subsequently releasing xylosyl residues by endwise attack of xylooligosaccharides [4]. These enzymes have recently attracted considerable attention due to their application potential in hydrolysis or bioconversion of lignocelluloses to sugars. In addition, xylanases also have application potential in industries involved in clarification of juices, extraction of plant oils and extracellular polymeric substances [EPS]. They have been known to improve the nutritional value of silage, green feed, coffee, starch and as bleaching agents in pulp and paper industry [5], [6], [7] and [8].