Thank you very much for letter in which you pointed out noise from my houseflat.
First of all I let you know that there was a repair work being done
in last week. Then few of our relatives visit us who were also
associate with two kids. They spoil the whole atmosphere, being
kids we were unable to compel them to be quiet. Installation of
airconditioner just add to this all stuff.
I apologize for this on first hand straightforwardly. I know noise
sometime unbearable and causes a lot especially if someone is ill.
With due regards I ask for your forgiveness.
As far as to overcome this issue, I would like to inform you that
the repair work, being the major factor of noise, is goig to
end in a day or so. Guest have already left and we asked them
to be carefull about their kids if they visit us again. I do
have also a plan to equip the walls with some noise controlling
material and hope it will control noise dramatically.
Once again I feel regret the inconvenience caused by the noise and assure you
this shall not occur again.