It was scary as hell at first. The distance and time apart made it somewhat torturous.
But it panned out.
Most people think a long-distance relationship is too hard that it can never work out, that they have to call it quits the moment somebody has to leave.
It is hard. No doubt about that. But it’s honestly how much you want it. If both parties are willing to do what it takes, you two will grow stronger.
Just do what it takes. Plan your budget for visits. Plan your leave. Communicate everyday (No excuses here. Apps and the Internet have made it easy and free). Don’t screw around and think you can get away with it. Sign up for airlines’ newsletter to make sure you receive promotions. Don’t be so damn afraid of everything in life.
I feel very grateful that she’s only two hours and a couple of hundred bucks away. It could be harder if she was from Europe or something. But whatever the case, when there’s a will, there’s a way.
Can means can. And it will get better.