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On December 24, South Carolina said that it wanted to be independent and the other southern states soon followed; they called themselves the 'Confederate States of America '.
The fighting began on April 12 1861, at Fort Sumter.
The South had some of the best soldiers-one was the great Robert E. Lee-and they had plenty of money from selling their cotton to England. But the North had more men and more factories. They also had Lincoln, one of the best presidents that the USA has ever had.
Two famous soldiers helped the North to win the war: General Sherman is remembered in a famous song about how he took 60,000 of his soldiers on a journey from Atlanta, in Georgia, to the Atlantic coast, breaking the Confederate states in two; after the war, he became head of the American army. General Ulysses S. Grant was the man who represented the North at Appomattox in 1865, when the South, under Lee, accepted that they had lost the war. Grant was very fair to Lee's soldiers, who did not have to go to prison. Some years later, in 1868, he became president.
Sadly, in April 1865, just after the end of the war, Lincoln was shot at the theatre by a man called John Wilkes Booth. After Lincoln's death, the new president was not strong enough to bring the North and the South together. Anger and arguments, people, continued.
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