Today soy sauce is made by two methods:the traditional brewing method,or fermentation,and the non-brewed method,or chemical-hydrolyzation.The fermentation method takes up to six month to complete and results in a transparent,delicately colored broth with balanced flavor and aroma.The non-brewed sauces take only two days to make and are often opaque with a harsh flavor and chemical aroma.Soy sauce has been used to enhance the flavor profiles of many types of food,including chicken and beef entrees,soups,pasta,and vegetable entrees.It's sweet,sour,salty,and bitter tastes add interest to flat-tasting processed foods.The flavor enhancing properties.or umami,of the soy extract are recognized to help blend and balance taste.The condiment also has functional preservative aspects in that it's acid,alcohol,and salt content help prevent the spoilage of foods.