My precious 13 1/2 year old toy poodle Muffin Bordeaux, went blind approximately two years ago due to cataracts. I was devastated, since he kept bumping into walls and falling down the stairs. He became very depressed and was afraid to move around. I could not let him out of my sight and carried him around everywhere. I searched the internet extensively for solutions/assistance. That was when I realized that there is a great need for a products to assist blind/visually impaired dogs, so I invented this aid for dog device/guide, “Muffin’s Halo Guide For Blind Dogs ® ” that has changed his life, as well as mine. Muffin now knows his home again and can travel with me to any hotel or friend’s house and gets to familiarize any new surroundings, quickly. He just loves this aid and is back to his peppy confident self! Muffin also loves all the attention he gets when I take him on walks, as he looks like a little angel. Most importantly, I can leave him at home for hours and know that he is safe.