Mr. Alan David Archer proposed the meeting to consider Budget and Year Plan of 2014 compare with the actual revenue and expenditure of year 2013 (as per supplementary AGM 2014 document).
From the provisional expenditure in the budget for the year 2014 amount to 56.50 Baht/Sq.m. Because there are some uncertainty items need to be replaced. We have put in to the budget contentions several expensive items. One thing that we sure we need to replaced is the gym equipment. It becomes uneconomic to repaired better buy a new one. Pool Furniture, going to be replaced. The technicians have actually scraped some chairs to keep the spare wood and keep the other chair going but then will become a point of not enough chairs. So we have possibility to replace the electric car, pool furniture and gym equipment amount of 729,500 Baht (Detail in the budget 2014 and annual expenditure 2013 in Agenda 5 page no. 35 - 36) Of course, this is not including in the common fee and we may use sinking fund for temporary pay for it. These are going to be separate invoice to top up the sinking fund.
And that the expenditure for this year 56.47 Baht. Because of we cannot change the common fee until this meeting, we actually don’t collect the proposal 58 Baht for the entire year. We only collected 52 Baht for 3 months (Jan to Mar) and 58 Baht for 9 months (Apr to Dec) So that we only meet the expenditure. Therefore, we proposed for 58 Baht when the expenditure is 56.47 Baht.
Mr. Alan informed the Meeting that by the Building Regulation, the increase of Common Facilities Fee needs the approval votes from the Meeting not less than half of the total ratio of ownership and then he proposed the Meeting to votes for this agenda. If we cannot convince you it mean we must call for Extraordinary Meeting No.1 require 1 of 3 owner ship ratio or 35%, if EGM failed then we have to call for 2nd EGM and only require majority votes to pass the Budget and Year plan at the end. Besides, we also have to pay 10,000 Baht for each meeting.
The only idea to lower the expenses is cut the service. If compare to occupancy it is the sign that we are well maintain, and the management tried to ensure that we maintain our standard.
When there was no any question from the Meeting, Mr. Alan Archer then ask the Meeting to approve the Budget, Year Plan and Assets replacement for year 2014.