I have no words for the hurt you suffer. We as children tend to take blame for our parent's demise no matter what! I lost my father in 2009. I blamed myself, we once had an argument a few months back.. and I told him that I wished he was on a ventilator with tubes stuck on his throat. I don't know why I said that or even know if such a condition was possible.. And it happened precisely so.. I even blamed myself for not making the ambulance call on time..
But it is only God who decides the right time for a person..
It is amazing that you've defeated cancer.. Don't look back.. You can make your daddy proud. He is not dead yet; but only away..
Pray for me as well as I will for you now.
Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/in-our-hearts--loosing-a-father #FamilyFriendPoems