3. Results
3.1. Earthworm species recorded
Seventeen species were positively recorded at this locality (Table 1) from the Eudrilidae (subfamilies Eudrilinae and Pareudrilinae), Ocnerodrilidae and Acanthodrilidae. Records included six new species and three new genera distributed between families Eudrilidae and Ocnerodrilidae (Table 1). Five species could only be identified to genus level and thus might have been separate species or may have been members of some of the species listed in Table 1. These were various Eudrilidae sp., the epigeics Eminoscolex sp. and Dichogaster sp. and the endogeics Nematogenia sp. and an Ocnerodrilidae sp. Sampling replication was considered sufficient given that the plotted species accumulation curve approached an asymptote.