I hated Mr. Shapiro's hypocrisy. He always appeared good-hearted and considerate to customers, but was cruel to us, his employees. The previous month he had deducted forty yuan from my pay. It hurt like having a rib taken out of my chest. What had happened was that I had given eight chicken breasts to a girl from my brother's electricity station. She came in to buy some chicken. By the regulations I was supposed to give her two drumsticks, two thighs, two wings, and two breasts. She said to me, "Be a good man, Hongwen. Give me more meat." Somehow I couldn't resist her charming smile, so I yielded to her request. My boss caught me stuffing the paper box with the meatiest pieces, but he remained silent until the girl went out of earshot. Then he dumped on me all his pee and crap. He said, "If you do that again, I'll fire you." How I was frightened! Later, he fined me, as an example to the other seven Chinese employees.