Short reports
International Journal of Palliative Nursing now publishes short reports, and invites submissions for consideration. Short reports are intended to provide the international palliative care community with the opportunity for concise communication of work that will be of interest to nurses working in palliative care. Submissions are invited on:
•Important ongoing projects–these may include a call for collaboration •Recently completed research, the intention being rapid spread of important results prior to a full write-up •Research, clinical innovation, or service development that may not be of sufficient size or implication to warrant a full-length paper, including novel research methodologies
All appropriate submissions will be peer-reviewed as short reports and if accepted will be published both in print and online. Submissions should be no more than 1000 words in length including references and should include a brief explanation (not for publication) of why a short report is preferred to a full-length paper. Work previously communicated as a conference abstract would be welcome but must be written up in an original short report format.