Female macropterous; body blackish-brown, tarsi and apices of tibiae yellow, antennal segments III–IV yellow at base and apex; forewings dark brown. Antennae 8-segmented, III–IV with long forked sensorium, III–V with two long dorsal setae, sensorium on VI extending beyond antennal apex. Head with strongly constricted basal neck. Pronotum transversely striate. Metanotum with prominent triangle enclosing transverse lines of sculpture. Forewing with long costal setae, first and second veins with almost complete setal row. Median tergal setae long; VIII with many discal microtrichia, posteromarginal comb long and regular. Male tergite IX with 3 pairs of prominent thorn-like setae; sternites III–VII with small oval pore plate near anterior margin.