The risk estimate, whether an absolute or relative
expression, within the framework of Risk Analysis can
be used by risk managers (in countries, likely the competent
authority) to decide on an appropriate course of
action. In some cases, the risk to the population does
not necessitate action, in others specific measures are
needed to reduce the burden of disease. In the latter
case, risk managers may choose to set health protection
goals and use these to formulate targets for all the relevant
supply chains to meet. As a matter of principle,
policy should be in place that helps governmental risk
managers to decide on what in the WTO–SPS Agreement
(WTO, 1995) is called an Appropriate level of protection
(ALOP). A definition of ALOP is given in Table
1. Articulating an ALOP or any other form of public
health goal is a way to express, on a population level,
what level of risk a society is prepared to tolerate or is
considering to be achievable. Agreeing on such levels
and possibly striving for continuous improvement in
the levels over time, is a key element in the Risk Analysis